
Our Latest News

 voskresenie Hristovo

During the Easter holidays we will not be having training sessions on Friday 18th and Monday 21st of April. We will continue with regular training on Wednesday 23rd.
The season 2013/2014 for indoor trainings will finish in mid-June. The last training session at the dojo will be on June 13th. After that there is a break of two weeks and then we'll continue with the trainings in the park, as every year.


seminar poster 2014 Michele Quaranta



We are happy to announce the Spring National seminar for 2014 with Michele Quaranta shihan.

You are all welcome!

The seminar will have three trainings.
Seminar fee: 1200 MKD or 20 EUR.
Enybody can participate.
Participation is at your own risk.
For more info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel: +389 70 764066

sskl frontThe new edition of "Sanshinkai letter" magazine is out. It is a publication prepared by Eric Graf along with anyone who is somehow connected and explores the field of Sanshinkai methodology created by Masatomi Ikeda sensei and wants to contribute to the creation of the magazine content. The magazine is free and published on the website of the Aikido Ikeda Dojo de Neuchatel, Switzerland.

This is the seventh issue, and like all before it, has very useful information, now emphasizing the article with detailed explanations and drawings of the Hojo kata.

By clicking on the picture you can download this last, seventh issue, and the following link is to find the other issues of the "Sanshinkai letter" magazine.


seminarski poster 2013 small

The seminar will have three trainings.
Seminar fee: 1200 MKD or 20 EUR.
Enybody can participate. Participation is at your own risk.
For more info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel: +389 70 764066


plakat - small

We are happy to invite you to the seminar that will be held by our teacher on 02.02.2013 (Saturday) at our dojo.

Introduction to the didactic system of Masatomi Ikeda sensei - Part two.
One day (saturday) - Two trainings (2 hours each) - Detailed explanation about master Ikeda's teachings.
All the participants can get the first part from last year on DVD - free of charge (we only need you to reserve one in advance).
The fee is symbolic: 400 MKD (7 euro) since the event is sponsored.
More info at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +389 70 764066

Yesterday (Monday 17.12.2012) our club was honored to host two exquisite masters - Antonio Albanese 6.dan and his wife Luisa 4.dan. Antonio Albanese is a national technical director for Association International aikido Kobayashi ryu. We hope we will have them again soon, and with an opportunity to learn more from them.
Thank you for your visit, senseis.

Antonio Albanese and Luisa

Our club had the honour to present aikido to the TV viewers in Macedonia. With the help of Sanja from TOP FORMA show on 24VESTI TV:

The day came. Visiting the place of the origin of our embraced art will be a great thrill. Looking forward to it. Expect a detailed report when I get back. Domo arigato gozaimasu!

Japanese Flag with map

Damjan Cingarski

We will have trainings at regular terms by the end of June, then, in July and August we will practice outdoor with a sword and a stick.
The schedule for outdoor exercise will be announced later this month.
Also, July and August Saturday mornings will be reserved for trainings for Hojo. If you are interested, please apply by mail for easier organization.

Experiences are accumulating and learning never stops.

Last weekend was held the announced seminar in Nushatel, Switzerland, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the club "Dojo de Neuchâtel - Espace Culturel" led by Eric Graf 3.Dan Aikikai. Invited were 10 aikido teachers from several countries and each gave one training. Together with the initial and final training of the host, in two days we had 12 trainings. A lot. But just in another circumstances that would have resulted with dissatisfaction. A pleasant atmosphere that reigned until the very end, even though fatigue was also present, gave enthusiasm to all participants to devote to practice.

neuchatel aikido 2011

12 different teachers, 12 different approaches to teaching, 12 different expressions, but only ONE Aikido. Our martial art is like any other art or science. And each of us will learn a thing or two, much or very little, shallow or deep, but no one can learn it all and that's good because it will remain as a reason to meet and exchange new experiences.

Following the end of the seminar we had the opportunity to practice on a regular training in Neuchatel, then we visited the club in Oftringen and finally in our "Aikido mecca" - Basel, with our teacher Michele Quaranta. All experiences more then beautiful.

I give gratitude to the host for the given trust and honor to teach at this seminar together with 9 other guest lecturers. I thank to all who participated in the jubilee seminar of the Neuchatel club and hope that these seminars will become a regular practice to get together more often.